sexta-feira, 14 de abril de 2017

PWF Chapter 7: Tava Metendo Agora a Pouco (Card)

Resultado de imagem para seth rollins with mascot

Singles Match
Bruno Paige vs. Portuga

Tag Team Match
Almôndegas Club (Felipe & Leôncio) vs. Fábio King & Davi

Six-Man Tag Team Match
D.E.F (Igor, GallowayMitão & Thumb) vs. Perfect Player, RatinhoGordo & Lucas Dantas

Singles Match
Marty Skutter vs. Maicon

Triple Threat PWF World Tag Team Championship Match
BFF (Led & Tobias) (c) vs. Best of TNA (MVV & Grein) vs. Morcego & Zimu

PWF World Championship Match
Justt (c) vs. Alan Marques

Guerrila Warfare Match
V.W.O (Jubileu, Danzoks, Guzz, Renata & Dragon) vs. Subway, Carlos, Mathes, Will & Anonny

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